Winter Magic & Chili Cookoff

Gatlinburg will kickoff the 26th year of Smoky Mountain Winterfest with the annual Gatlinburg Chili Cook-off and Winter Magic Kickoff on Wednesday, November 11 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on the Parkway in downtown Gatlinburg. City dignitaries will signify the start by lighting more than 3 million lights throughout the city.

This year, Chili Cook-off and Winter Magic Kickoff fall on Veterans Day, in addition to normal festivities tribute will be made to all service men and women with the annual Veterans Day Celebration on Ripley’s Aquarium Plaza at 11 a.m.   The Ladies for Liberty will also be there to perform in WWII Andrews Sisters style with their own rendition of vocals, costumes and the spirit of patriotism reminiscent of the 1940's. The Ladies have performed at patriotic ceremonies around the U.S.

Come out for a day of both recognition of our armed forces as well as a celebration. Sample all the home made comforting chili ranging from mild to spicy!  The event is free but $10 tickets will be sold to anyone wishing to sample chili during the competition.

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Big Creek Expeditions

Big Creek Expeditions is the premier white water rafting company in East Tennessee.

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