Smoky Mountain Zombiefest

Love a good zombie movie? Can't miss The Walking Dead? On October 31st at the Sevier County Fair Grounds, Sevierville will be hosting the Smoky Mountain Zombie Fest. The day starts with a Zombie themed 5k at 8 a.m. and includes a Cornhole Tournament, Howl'oween Pooch Parade, Crafters Row, Zombie Bingo, Hillbilly Golf, Huge Zombie Kid Zone w/inflatables - crafts - face painting, Smoky Mountain Paintball, Magic The Gathering Tournament, Harley Davidson Shop Hop Rally, Zombie Outbreak Escape Game, Band Jam Competition, Live Auction, Costume Contest, and Indoor Safe Zone Trick or Treat, and an array of food will be offered the entire day.

Go to to pre-register for the 5k or for more information visit  Admission is $5 (some other activities may require other fees) so get zombified and head on out!

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Christ in the Smokies

In the center of Gatlinburg, Tennessee, at Christ in the Smokies Museum & Gardens (located on the former Christus Gardens property) you will have the remarkable experience of walking through a Biblical world of 2000 years ago, seeing life-size, life-like representations of important scenes from the life of Jesus Christ.

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